10:10 PM 0 Comments

"Now you're in New York, these streets will make you feel brand new big lights will inspire you....."


Kalau dilihat dari film-film Hollywood, yang namanya kota New York pasti terlihat luar biasa, semua terlihat glamor, megah & futuristik. Dari dulu selalu mimpi untuk bisa sampai ke Amerika terutama New York, sampai terkadang menghayal gimana sih rasanya bisa sampai ke New York yang terkenal sebagai kota yang gak pernah tidur.

Mimpi pun menjadi kenyataan, setelah training pesawat A380 beberapa bulan yang lalu, muncul lah New York sebagai tujuan kerja wisata kali ini. Harus diakui perjalan ke Benua Amerika  memang sangat jauh, mayoritas semua flight harus transit terlebih dahulu di suatu negara seperti Frankfurt sehingga total perjalanan mencapai hampir 20 jam terbang.

Perbedaan waktu yang mencapai 12 jam sungguh membuat jetlag siapa pun yang melakukan perjalanan kesana. Bisa di bayangkan jungkir balik-nya badan kita disaat pagi menjadi malam dan malam menjadi pagi, istirahat yang cukup sebelum dan selama perjalanan memang sangat di-HARUS-kan untuk setiap US flight.

Saya sedikit Nervous dan amazed pada saat tiba di JFK airport, ahhh finally New York <3. Perjalan dari Singapur ke Frankfurt ditempuh sekitar 12 jam, kemudian bermalam selama dua hari di Frankfurt sebelum berangkat ke New York pada hari ketiga. Sedikit kurang beruntung karena siang itu jalanan tergolong sangat padat, sehingga perjalanan menuju ke hotel mencapai hampir 1 jam dengan kondisi badan yang cukup lelah.

1ST DESTINATION ---> Woodburry Premium Outlet & Times Square
Karena kota ini gak pernah tidur, ada baiknya setiap turis juga di haruskan tidak tidur hehe. Setelah saya check in di hotel yang lokasinya di times square area, saya dan dua crew yang berasal dari Thailand bergegas langsung berangkat menuju Woodburry premium outlet. Ternyata lokasinya cukup jauh, mencapai sekitar 2,5 jam menggunakan bus dengan cuaca yang kurang bersahabat karena hujan deras di sepanjang perjalanan.

My jetlag face after landing
Woodburry premium outlet ini memang sangat terkenal dan wajib dikunjungi, konsep outlet di Amerika yang menjual barang last season dengan harga yang sangat murah memang selalu bisa menjadi daya tarik tersendiri buat para turis.

Lokasinya yang sangat luas juga membuat pengunjung akan menghabiskan waktu berjam-jam atau bahkan seharian untuk bisa melihat dan masuk ke dalam outlet nya. Buat saya pribadi Factory outlet ini termasuk yang terbaik di Amerika di bandingkan premium outlet di Houston atau San Francisco

Pada dasarnya Outlet berlokasi sangat jauh dari pusat kota, seperti di Houston yang lokasinya sekitar 3,5 - 4 jam perjalanan, atau bahkan Simon premium outlet di San Francisco yang dapat ditempuh dengan menggunaan train.

Woodburry ini memiliki sekitar 220 branded outlets dari berbagai macam negara, bisa di bayangkan merek asli dari Amerika seperti Kate spades, Coach, Michael Kors, Nike, American Eagle, DKNY, Fossil, bath n body works dan lainnya ditawarkan dengan harga miring jika dibandingkan dengan pasaran.

Mayoritas pengunjung adalah warga asia yang berasal dari Cina, Jepang, Korea dan juga American, baru kali itulah saya melihat orang kesulitan membawa shopping bags karena jumlahnya yang sangat banyak. Pada dasarnya mereka benar-benar membeli barang-barang yang memang  harganya menjadi jauh lebih mahal di negaranya.

Untuk bisa sampai kesana, pengunjung bisa membeli tiket secara online dan menukarkan bukti pembayaran di konter Madame Tussaud, saya terlanjur memesan tiket secara online karena tidak mengetahui ada banyak sekali agent di sepanjang jalan yang menjual tiket untuk menuju Woodburry.

Ternyata semua akses menuju pusat perbelanjaan atau city tour akan sangat mudah ditemukan di sepanjang jalan di wilayah Times square, dimulai dari Hop on & off, normal city tour atau bahkan one day tour ke wilayah wisata di New York.

Satu hal yang menarik adalah kita mendapatkan peta wilayah Woodburry yang menerangkan keberadaan outlet yang tersebar dibebarapa wilayah, dan juga terdapat kupon diskon yang cukup menarik untuk beberapa outlet tertentu. Bukan hanya outlet untuk berbelanja, pengunjung juga bisa bersantai di beberapa cafe atau coffee shop yang terdapat disana.

masalah terbesar buat saya adalah sulitnya mendapatkan free wifii, semetara saya mendapat banyak titipan untuk membeli berbagai macam barang, ditambah dengan perbedaan waktu 12 jam sehingga sulit sekali menghubungi orang-orang tersebut.

Setelah puas muter-muter dan sedikit belanja, kita memutuskan untuk pulang dan istirahat karena badan kondisi yang sudah terlalu capek. harus diakui bahwa saya gak menyesal sama sekali untuk pergi ke Woodburry dan berharap untuk bisa pergi kesana lagi secepatnya. 

Liburan di New York dan stay di Times Square area itu memang kombinasi yang sempurna, hanya 150 meter dari hotel menuju Times Square dan berada di pusat keramaian yang sangat iconic ini. Ternyata memang sama persis seperti yang ada di televisi, gedung-gedung pencakar langit yang di kelilingi giant screen, padatnya lalu lintas, para turis yang berlalu-lalang dan juga Newyorker pastinya.

Kadang saya berpikir gimana rasanya menjadi Newyorker, hidup di wilayah yang ramai di tengah hingar-bingar kota yang selalu sibuk ini, semua ada di Amerika, hebatnya negara ini selalu berhasil membuat Newyorker bangga akan negaranya.

Bahagia banget bisa melihat keramaian seperti pada foto diatas ini, gedung berwarna-warni dan juga sepanjang jalan yang dipadati turis dari berbagai macam negara. Banyak sekali pertunjukan Broadway di sekitar wilayah hotel tempat saya bermalam, namun karena terbatasnya waktu membuat saya memutuskan untuk absent dari pertunjukan tersebut dan menjadikannya sebagai top priority dalam bucket list saya.

Can you see all stores there?

Anti mainstream ads

Tadinya sempat bingung kenapa banyak bangku dan meja ditengah keramaian, ternyata dengan duduk manis ditengah keramaian juga dapat menyita waktu yang cukup lama, do nothing and just relax, it shows how amzaing the view is.

Pemandangan nomer satu yang pastinya New Yorker yang berlalu-lalang nyebrang sana-sini, dan juga turis yang sibuk foto sana-sini sambil bawa kantong belanjaan.

Ikutan foto ala-ala turis wajib hukumnya, untung aja ada beberapa crew yang mau ikutan jalan-jalan dan dengan senang hati ikutan foto-foto. Anehnya perasaan bahagia kali ini diluar normal, padahal cuma duduk dan sekedar berdiri untuk foto, terlalu banyak perasaan menikmati kota New York.

Can't you see my happy face?

Mandatory photo ala-ala candid juga ga boleh ketinggalan haha, begitulah adanya pertama kali datang ke New York di musim panas yang luar biasa bahagianya, semoga bisa datang lagi kesini pas musim dingin, amin.

2nd destination--> Central Park
Setelah puas foto-foto dan duduk ditengah keramaian, saya dan 2 orang lainnya memutuskan untuk pergi piknik ke Central Park, hal ini cukup random, karena kebanyakan dari mereka memutuskan untuk pergi ke liberty area, Manhattan Bridge atau bahkan ikutan helicopter tour yang super pricey.

Hal pertama yang kami lakukan adalah mencari supermarket untuk membeli snacks sperti cokelat, chips, buah-buahan, and juga berbagai minuman seperti soft drink & air mineral. Ternyata snacks tersebut cukup berat sehingga harus di bawa secara bergantian sepanjang perjalan menuju kesana.

Subway menuju Central Park ternyata cukup dekat, hanya beberapa stop dari Times Square. Kesan pertama pada saat sampai ditujuan adalah tercengang!!, Taman yang super luas di tengah-tengah kota dan dikelilingi gedung & perkantoran. Pertama kali sampai wahhhhh ternyata luas banget, pohon-pohonya dari mulai yang rindang sampai yang tinggi menjulang, banyak bangku taman, jogging track, water fountain dan juga udaranya yang seger.

Rasanya gamau keluar dari Central Park, betah banget! apalagi banyak vocal group yang perform yang tersebar di berbagai wilayah. Pada siang hari pun banyak yang olahraga, atau bahkan tiduran ditengah rerumputan untuk menikmati udara yang segar, menurut saya Central Park  ini tempat yang baik untuk melepas stress ditengah padatnya aktifitas pekerjaan dan hiruk pikuk kota yang ga pernah tidur ini.

let's walk


I found it unique
they are so classic
Piknik kali ini di sponsori oleh Thai crew and local singaporean, syukurnya mereka adalah super senior yang humble, dan juga ga pandang senioritas. Sepanjang hari muterin Central Park ternyata melelahkan juga.

Bukan hanya duduk cantik dan makan bekal, kita juga mengelilingi setiap sudut, menikmati live music dari berbagai band, bermain bubble, foto-foto dan juga saling curhat.



3:07 PM 0 Comments


Well, i was on standby for one day and as per normal i expected to get called up for Jakarta turn, i didn't now why that i felt like checking my schedule again and again even the standby was on the next day. 

I checked frequently in order to make self ready for any early flight, i left my laptop in standby mode and brought my phone everywhere. BINGO, my phones was ringing and nervous feeling came along. I was supper hurry to check my schedule and yeaaah Milan flight for that night.

How was my reaction? EXCITED & PANIC. 

I packed all my clothes, stuff, everything in short time. I knew it was on summer, so basically nothing much to worry about bulky clothes. 

I kept thinking about Venice, i secretly wished that someone wanted to go to Venice with me. I was so lucky to see one of my friends was in my flight, it was gonna be a good flight for sure. 

I remember there was a not nice girl who treated me like fool, but i really didn't care, i was so busy to think about my summer holiday in Italy. After touched down, i felt all my body was aching, yeah another 12-13 hours flight and it was full load.

I asked all of them to go to Venice, non of them were excited to go with me since it wasn't their first time to be in Milan, one crew initiated to go to Cinque terre and i had no idea how it looked like. 

well, i said that i would join them wherever they planned to. Back to the story after touched down, going to Milan means to go to Duomo di Milano, but again there was no one wanted to go there just to enjoy the scenery. 

Duomo is one of iconic cathedral surrounded by one stop shopping area where you can buy anything there. I decided to go there by my self (again) by taking metro, it was quite distance to walk to metro station, i asked so many people to get there fortunately Italian were so helpful.


I just can't wait to reach Duomo, i felt like eating Gelato in that kind of weather, Hot weather for sure. It was not  common shape of any ice cream cone, i was mesmerized to see my melted gelato, it costed only few euro with 4 flavors and i suer it was one of the best gelato so far! 

taken by indo tourists

my everywhere-ready-hat
I was thinking it was gonna be super lame to take selfie everywhere using my selfie stick, i knew it would be tough to ask any tourist to take photo of me because most of them didn't speak English. I saw two guys were busy taking photo, i thought they must be Asian then i heard that they spoke language that i knew the most which was Indonesia language, such a relieve that i met Indonesian tourist here. 

I walked pass with no doubt to greet them, surprisingly both of them looked so happy to see other Indonesian abroad, we talked about how the journey was and of course we helped each other to take proper photos in front of Duomo hahaha.

After saying good bye i continued to walk inside the mall to see how it looked like, one of my purposes was to find starbucks tumbler, i asked most of people but they told me there were few starbucks somewhere which was quite far from Duomo, then the offered me to try Cappucino made in Italy and other coffee in coffee shop nearby.

I wasn't interested at all, i don't drink coffee at all, i have low tolerate of caffeine which make me stay awake all night just by drinking a cup of coffee. I really enjoyed my solo trip to Duomo without thinking about getting lost or won't be able to find my back to hotel. 

On the clear day, most of my friends intended to go Cinque Terre by joining any one day tour provided by hotel. The tour it self costs around 80 euro, they provided one mini van for 9 persons with driver who was ready to drive us to all places. I still had no idea about these places till i tried to google and found it was cool enough to visit.

It is Named for the 5 towns of Monterosso, Vernazza, Corniglia, Manarola and Riomaggiore, this portion of the Italian Riviera is a UNESCO World Heritage Site (

Tourist can go there buy train, it has limited access for can to get inside so all tourists were required to walk to reach destination, the journey to reach each destination took approximately 45 minutes, but from hotel to 1st place (monterosso) it took almost 2 hours driving.

Have you ever seen any houses in hill area where there is no access for any transportation? yeah it was really italian style of housing, i will show the picture for sure. All of the places were about beach, shore and unique society included the building.

The native & residents know exactly how to promote their places by using resources as souvenir & handycraft, Cinque terre is always be top tourism destination after venice. One simple thing, they sell swim wear in many sizes because no one cant resist temptation of swimming in summer time.

I feel like this is also honeymoon destination for many couples around the world, i saw most of them were young couple brought big cargo bag everywhere or even back pack from one place to another place

wishing to stay longer
I was so lucky to be there during summer, romantic places that i never thought that i'd visited. Even i'm not a very beach person, but i always enjoy big waves, coral, big stones and sand in the beach.

right in front gelato store

shorts & shirt time

HOW WAS THE JOURNEY? It was amazing & sunny

We actually made a right decision to rent a car with driver because Nicola, the driver was super nice & really understood us as tourists, sometimes we got back to car 10 minutes late but he patiently waited without complain hehe, he could be a great guide at the same time, everything was super flexible, we really enjoyed our time there and had great lunch as recommended by him.

Everything was about Beach, those beautiful beaches in five different places with great view and shore around in summer time. Most of the tourists wore swimwear, bikini or even topless for the guys caused by 36 degree celsius with no wind at all. 

I thanked God i wore backless dress with cardigan, so at least i could protect my skin from the heat which made me felt like dehydration. 

Let's jump

How i love this place

Love this view

I Feel like swimming
I regreted one thing so far, i didn't bring any swimwear!! it was like big temptation for me, i almost cried and bought any swimwear to feel the joy of swimming in summer, all spots looked like perfect beach to swim or just get inside water. 

Actually i could buy any swimwear, but the biggest problem was the limited time for us to visit 5 places within one day.

Water taxi

blue water

Colorful building

Random as always
They really made my day, this unexpected flight could be one of the best memory so far, even though i was the most junior of all but they really took care of my self, we had good time, nice conversation a long the journey and had great meal for sure.

There was one more thing, i flew with an ex-contemporary dancer from singapore, he studied contemporary for his major in university, he told me that he used to dance & perform anywhere before deciding to be a traveler. it's a sad truth cos he left his passion in dancing for maybe forever and he told that ballet was the basic technique for whole dances he learned.

So we randomly took any ballet shot but yeah i realized that wearing dress wasn't good idea at all, but whatever it be just posed!


I just can't stop eating Gelato & Pasta in Italy, everything was nice, i gained weight easily haha. 

Okay, i have to admit that all gelato there have a lot of fresh fruit flavor, it's made of fresh fruit like Raspberry, Peach, Nectarine, Lemon, Strawberry, Blueberry and many more, but they also offered any flavor like Chocolates or other sweets taste. 

I was craving for the cone, i prefer to eat more cone than gelato, if only i could share how tasty was the cone to all of you.

Peach gelato
I still remember how long was the queue to get this gelato, seemed like everyone bought gelato to chill their self from the sunshine. I finished my gelato in less than 5 minutes, i felt like queuing again but i was sure Nicola was waiting for us up there.

mamamia pasta

What to eat in Italy? P.A.S.T.A FOR SURE 
I always love pasta, but rice is always my number one meal, i missed rice a lot! okay i exaggerated, but having pasta three times a day was not in to me. I have to admit all pasta and cheese there were numero uno <3


안녕하세요 한국 (Annyeong Hasseyo Korea)

10:45 AM 0 Comments

I've ever thought to go to Incheon someday in Winter for holiday....

well said i thanked God that opportunity came even earlier than i what i expected! i got my schedule to go to incheon followed by San Francisco on February this year. 

My reaction was 'yeah i'll make it', well said my first long haul and US flight as starter would be amazing yet scary since i need to speed up in many aspects. 

One word for Winter, "no-snow" but to be honest 5 degree was quite challenging for the one who never experienced in any cold season, i found the way Korean dressed up as fashionable cute and look similiar for the girl, they looked bulky in thick coat.

8 Days journey started, i could feel excitement as good adrenaline right after landing. Yeeay INCHEON finally i've been there after so many times i saw many scene in any drama series in TV, i remember how dramatic was Korean actor every time they needed to farewell & bidding goodbye their loved one as hard time for real, LOL. 

The journey to hotel was like getting older in the bus, i mean it was not that far but however the traffic after office hour was not joke at all. 

Luckily we stayed in one of the best five stars hotels in Seoul with super duper great view from my room, the hotel lobby was somewhere in 40th floor with super friendly & helpful staff welcomed as. Being random is my middle name, i brought my ballet pointed shoes everywhere & captured random shot every time i feel like posing. 

Great view outside

Wishing for forever flexibility

i felt so lucky because there was another Indonesian crew on my flight, a super humble and pretty senior i have known so far. first sector which is SIN - ICN was quite smooth, i remember how nervous i was to do my first long flight. 

We decided not to go anywhere but having dinner nearby since it was winter with 5 degree Celsius followed by drizzled. 

One think i remember was actually valentine's day was happening, i saw most of the stores offered boxes of chocolate, flower bouquet, nice card, small and big size teddy bear and many things.

Basically i like spicy food, i expected to have a good meal there cos i know how great korean food is. Both of us ordered for normal bibimbap but surprisingly it was huge portion with bbq as well. 

The way the waiter served us was funny, we tried our best to understand menu in korean language cos no english menu at all. He tried to offered us any meal without pork due to food restriction for both of us and we vaguely ordered bibimbap as first trial. 

All meal was tasty, i found fresh kimchi from Korea as the best kimchi i have ever tried in my life. Cold weather outside trigger our appetite to finish all meal but unfortunately it was too much for us, then we just left and felt happy for our dinner.

************************LEFT FOR SAN FRANCISCO******************

 I just can't wait to go back to Incheon after coming back from san francisco. My friend and i were planning to go to N-Seoul tower without any information about how to get there, we decided to ask concierge to find the best way to get there in this cold season. 

She told us to take a cab since it was more efficient and cheaper, we also asked for the destination & hotel address in korean language to show it to driver.

It took 10 minutes driving to get there, it was actually quite nearby and the fare was actually cheap. We bought ticket to get in, it costs only few dollars and worth to go, but weekend was not a joke, we queued for quite sometimes to get inside cable car.

I could hear so many languages spoken by them, i guessed most of them were tourists from China who went for winter holiday.


Perfect scenery

hands were freezing

i saw phone chase
i saw love pad lock everywhere!! well said it wasn't good as the one in Paris as my friend said, but for me to see this kind of things for the very first time was so entertaining. 

My friend as a married woman told me that she actually ever hung one of the pad lock containing both her name & husband's name in paris, she teased me to do the same thing here. 

i felt like it wasn't important thing to do, but since i was there and had no idea whether i could be there next time, so i bought one and wrote down my name and my boyfriend's name. here's the pad lock ....

My name & his name

5 dollar pad lock

N-Seoul tower area was quite pretty in high ground location, there was a restaurant on the top of the tower, tourist can enjoy the beauty of seoul from the top, i was sure it must be awesome, but unfortunately we have to make reservation to chill up there.

After taking so much photo there, we decided to go to Myeongdong to try korean cuisine & snacks. It is one stop shopping district where you can buy anything especially fashion stuff from all brands around the world or local designer it self. 

going to korea means to buy cosmetics products, i realized that cosmetics products were CHEAPER compare to meals there, facial masks are actually so much cheaper compare to other country because basically it was made from Korea. No wonder Korean girls' face are flawless and smooth, they easily get lots of cosmetics product anywhere in their country.

For your information, cosmetics & skin care products like Innisfree, etude, missha, allure offered their best seller stuff and the price was affordable. I bought a lot of facial masks from innisfree for my friends, family and my self, i still remember that i paid half price of Singapore price, wasn't it amazing?


sample II

Bulky people in coat

50% sales for Facial masks
One thing i like about korea is the food, everything is tasty, every meal looks like feasting with alot of appetizer, vegetables, soup to be mixed in one bite, nomnom. I like the way people talk to each other, their accent & way of speaking sounds cute, i always want to be able to speak in korean language, but to be honest it is not that easy.

Hopefully i can have another chance to visit korea and explore more about their culture in living, how do you think about having holiday in incheon?